Four Methods for Rethinking Discipline


“That’s incorrect, Johnny. T-h-e-i-r is a possessive pronoun; T-h-e-r-e refers to a place; and T-h-e-y-’-r-e is a contraction. This is your final warning – if you get it wrong again, you’re going to the principal’s office.”

Okay…now that I have your attention – of course we wouldn’t punish a student for using the wrong homophone (or any academic struggle, for that matter). However, when students are disruptive and defiant in the the classroom, they are often punished.

Many of our students need explicit instruction on how to demonstrate positive behaviors, and when they struggle, they need further instruction and support, not punishment. We teach our students how to read, how to write, and how to solve math equations. Where does teaching students how to ask for help when they’re frustrated or practicing calming strategies with our students fit into the curriculum?

When you consider the definition of the word discipline, it basically means to teach. What are we teaching students by punishing them with a trip to the principal’s office or by suspending them when they break the rules? According to information provided by the U.S. Department of Education, not only are suspensions ineffective, they have negative consequences such as lower academic performance and higher rates of dropout. As noted on the U.S Department of Education’s website, it is time to rethink discipline by “Creating a supportive school climate,” which “requires close attention to the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of all students.”

            Reaching the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of all students is a tall order indeed! Provided below are four methods to consider (just the tip of the iceberg) when rethinking discipline.

Deconstruct Behaviors
Perhaps a student is being neglected at home and is seeking attention from peers and teachers through inappropriate, disruptive behaviors. Sometimes students demonstrate problem behaviors because they don’t have the skills necessary to appropriately communicate their wants, needs, and feelings. For example, if a student is struggling with understanding the content of an assignment he/she might become disruptive, defiant or withdrawn - rather than risk looking stupid by asking for help.

When we deconstruct the function (or the why) of one’s behavior, we are better equipped to manage the behavior in positive and empathetic ways.

Promote Calmness
An increased level of learning, better decision-making skills, increased cooperation and teamwork among peers - never underestimate the power of calm minds! Take a few moments to teach your students self-calming strategies and give them opportunities to practice those strategies regularly. You will empower your students to manage their strong emotions proactively while creating a peaceful learning environment. Below are links to my top go to strategies:

Teach Beyond the Curriculum
As mentioned above, due to a variety of factors, many students need explicit instruction on problem-solving skills and social skills. Below are a few suggestions to consider for infusing instruction of these empowering skills into your curriculum.

Call Upon the Village
Seek guidance/support from staff members who are specifically trained on working with students with challenging behaviors such as school psychologists, special education teachers, behavioral specialists, occupational therapists, guidance counselors, etc.). Also, other teachers who have worked with students in the past might be able to provide some valuable insights on how to best support those students who challenge us the most.

By rethinking discipline with effective teaching practices and support - rather than with punishment- we are empowering students with the social, emotional, and behavioral skills necessary to become respectful, responsible citizens. Interested in learning more about effective discipline practices?

Check out our new course – Positive Discipline: A Guide to Restorative Practices.


Here are a few classes related to this topic:

Jill Rockwell
Jill has over 13 years of experience as a licensed teacher in the areas of Special Education, Reading Education, and Health Education. She embraces diversity and has worked with students in grades K-12 in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and California. Jill completed her Master of Science degree at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls while teaching full time. She fully understands the soaring demands of today’s teachers. Her courses are designed to maximize the time of all educators by providing engaging, meaningful, and applicable activities which can be used to enhance teaching practices. She focuses on research-based best practices and technology integration throughout her own instructional practices. Together with her husband and two young boys, Jill enjoys traveling, biking and the changing seasons of the great outdoors in Wisconsin. 

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