Rethinking Student Thinking to Improve Student Learning | Online Learning for Teachers pursuing Continuing Education and Professional Development | The Connecting Link


Rethinking Student Thinking to Improve Student Learning

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Graduate-Level Credit / Non-Credit Hours
3 Semester Credits or 45 Clock Hours

Course Description

Educators today are tasked with improving student learning. This course equips educators in K-12 classrooms to do so. Participants in this course will examine many methodologies of different brain researched-based frameworks to help educators improve student learning and educate parents on their child’s learning strengths and weaknesses.  Participants will gain knowledge of how the brain works and how educators can use brain-based strategies to improve memory and retrieval of information.  The course will center around the research of Dr. Judy Willis, Dr. Eric Jensen, and others on understanding brain processes that can help educators rethink how they engage students in their own learning.  Additional topics include developing lesson plans and activities with brain-based research in mind, critical thinking methodologies, teaching students to self-reflect on their own learning process and how they learn, looking at how social and emotional learning impacts learning, the impact learning styles have on thinking strategies, developing assessments built around brain-based learning principles, and connecting parents/home to brain-based learning to aid in their child’s cognitive development at home. 

Global Goals of the Course

The following global goals of the course exist to deepen and/or apply the content and skills of teachers’ existing professional knowledge:

  1. To examine current research in the area of brain-based learning and educational frameworks (National Board of Professional Teaching Standards-NBPTS 3,4)
  2. To develop an understanding of the need for brain-based learning strategies to engage all learners in today’s classroom, both in traditional and virtual classrooms (NBPTS 1,3,4)
  3. To analyze current brain-based instructional practices in order to create an engaged student learning environment (NBPTS 1,3,4)
  4. To explore possible applications of brain-based learning frameworks for students with special needs (NBPTS 1,2,3,4)
  5. To explore research-proven frameworks and lesson planning that foster higher rates of retention from classroom experiences (NBTS 1,2,3,4)
  6. To collaborate and lead other educational professionals to improve student learning using brain-based teaching models (NBPTS 5)



By Esther Cho
Reviewed 8 months ago
No- course was better than expected and the instructor created a course with relevant and applicable work and material! Much appreciated!

By Christopher Jackowiak
Reviewed 6 months ago
Steve made the learning process smooth and enjoyable

By Julie Flynn
Reviewed 1 year ago
The course was very helpful and Shelly was a GREAT instructor!!

By Amanda Strickler
Reviewed 1 year ago
Steve puts all the strategies he teaches into practice as he facilitates our learning. Can't say enough good things about Steve!

By Chelsea Reuhl
Reviewed 1 month ago
Steve Novak provided really great feedback and brought a lot of interesting discussion into the posts.

Related Reading:

Self-Paced courses are delivered within our online classroom and available 24/7. You can begin your study program at any time.

Ongoing Enrollment

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Online structured courses are delivered within our online classroom and available within a specific scheduled time window with your instructor.

Site based courses are delivered on site in certain locations during a specific date range with a live instructor.

Interactive courses are delivered via Zoom at specific times with a live instructor.

11/04/24 - 12/03/24
Nov 04 - Dec 03, 2024
Zoom Meetings will be on Tuesdays (November 05, 12, 19, 26, 2024) at 4:00pm Central Time.