The Bullying Conundrum: A Journey from Awareness to Activism | Online Learning for Teachers pursuing Continuing Education and Professional Development | The Connecting Link


The Bullying Conundrum: A Journey from Awareness to Activism

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Graduate-Level Credit / Non-Credit Hours
3 Semester Credits or 45 Clock Hours

Course Description
This course is designed to give educators at all levels (K-12) an overview of the complexities of bullying that include the bully, victim, and bystander. Bullying occurs in a variety of forms in every school and not only does it impact students, but parents and teachers as well. In this course, participants will explore current research and learn how to effectively combat a variety of bullying (physical, verbal, social, and cyberbullying), and construct a classroom culture of growth and mutual respect. Educators will develop effective tools for the identification and prevention of bullying behaviors, as well as tools to deal with the bully, victim, and bystanders to create opportunities for change which can positively influence student relationships and achievement.

Global Goals of the Course

  1. To examine current research in the area of best practice to effectively deal with multiple constructs of school bullying (NBPTS 3,4)
  2. To develop an understanding of the need for effective teaching strategies to deal with bullies, victims, and bystanders in today’s schools (NBPTS 1,3,4)
  3. To analyze current bullying prevention instructional practices in order to create a culture of teaching tolerance to better support student learning (NBPTS 1,3,4)
  4. To explore possible applications of bullying prevention teaching models in the classroom (NBPTS 1,2,3,4)
  5. To explore research-proven methods of lesson plan development that leads to a culture of tolerance in the classroom (NBTS 1,2,3,4)


By Jessica Sargent
Reviewed 1 year ago
I really enjoyed the feedback from Paul Wright when submitting assignments. They were always positive and encouraging, thoughtful and thought provoking.

By Meghan Barnas
Reviewed 1 year ago
The instructor is very knowledgeable and give realistic, helpful resources that can be used in class.

By Natalia Negron
Reviewed 2 years ago
The class was exciting and material taught was extremely interesting.

By Lauren Cuchna
Reviewed 11 months ago
Thank you for the time you spent on the course with us and providing valuable feedback.

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