Leveraging Teachable Moments to Develop Soft Skills for K-12 Students | Online Learning for Teachers pursuing Continuing Education and Professional Development | The Connecting Link


Leveraging Teachable Moments to Develop Soft Skills for K-12 Students

Graduate-Level Credit / Non-Credit Hours
3 Semester Credits or 45 Clock Hours

Course Description

Participants in this course will learn how to build academic success by exploring and developing tools to increase K-12 students’ soft skills (communication, work ethic, leadership, personal responsibility, and listening.) They will recognize and prioritize their students’ soft skills that will be valuable in reaching future goals, remaining optimistic, and dealing with conflict in their schooling. Participants will explore a series of strategies for reaching and helping students learn appropriate behaviors, strategies for the future, and ways to help prepare them for college and career readiness. Research is based on the works of Robert W. Gaines, II, Ph.D., Meca B. Mohammed, Ph.D., Cheryl Talley, Ph.D., and Marcheta Evans, Ph.D., among others. Foundational work in this course will include the research on understanding soft skills, strategies to develop soft skills, bringing students' soft skills to reach within the classroom, and the different types of soft skills: communication, work ethic, leadership, personal responsibility, and listening. Participants will synthesize these paradigms and develop a new understanding of the role that soft skills can play in student learning, along with new tools and techniques for cultivating students’ soft skills.

Global Goals of the Course

The following global goals of the course exist to deepen and/or apply the content and skills of teachers’ existing professional knowledge:

  1. To examine current research on best practices to help students develop soft skills.
  2. To understand the need for effective teaching strategies to develop soft skills for students in today’s K-12 classrooms.
  3. To analyze current practices to foster student engagement to better support learning and soft skills development.
  4. To explore possible applications or modify the classroom to respond to students’ needs.
  5. To explore research-proven methods of lesson plan development that lead to developing the soft skills of students through meaningful learning experiences.
  6. To synthesize best practices of soft skill development regarding communication, work ethic, leadership, personal responsibility, and listening.


By Christopher Ramlow
Reviewed 1 year ago
Steve is a very good teacher and I highly recommend taking his classes.

By Julie Serrecchia
Reviewed 1 year ago
I always leave Connecting Link classes with strategies and tools that I can use in my fourth grade classroom!

By Amber McGee
Reviewed 1 year ago
Shelly Fisher does an excellent job running the courses.

By Kathleen Zwartz
Reviewed 3 months ago
Mary Wolf is knowledgeable, professional and helpful!

By Judith Justis
Reviewed 7 months ago
This is my first experience with a Connecting Link Course. The course content was relevant to my current teaching assignment. The materials were easy to access and I enjoyed the opportunity to connect virtually with colleagues.

By Kenneth Cronin
Reviewed 2 months ago
I appreciate all of Mary’s feedback and assistance throughout the course. She was always available and prompt and flexible.

By Janine Vasica
Reviewed 1 year ago
The course information was very timely for what I am seeing in my classroom and provided me with best practice to help increase my students' soft skills. Steve Novak only enhances the class with his depth of knowledge.

Related Reading:

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